Alison had her first session of chemo today and here she is with the
canula in her arm. The whole deal went from 10:00am this morning through to 2:30pm. The people at the Zita Mary were very good and made the whole thing go as well as it can.
So far (five hours after it finished) it's only making her feel a bit drowsy, a bit off colour and giving her a headache starting at her sinus.
We have a bag full of drugs to help treat her if she does start to feel sick, as well as some more serious stuff that needs to be injected. (We have a mobile number to call a professional for this 24/7. Once again, they will not let me use the needles!)
Kids are back at school again so there'll be a bit more peace and quiet around the house, at least during the daytime. This should be good for Ali as it is likely that she'll just want to rest up and snooze for the next few days.
I'll post another update later in the week.