We were right that the results were disappointing and not what we were hoping for. It appears that the initial regime of chemo was not working and we now need to try a different tack.
The doctor has talked to us about how she would like to proceed and what drugs she will now give to Alison (docetaxel and capecitabine). Treatments will still be every three weeks, however there will be some differences:
- one of the drugs will by administered by IV through the hospital
- the other drug is a tablet that will need to be taken morning and night for 14 days each cycle
- Ali will need to take some steroid tablets on the days before, on, and after chemo
- this course should not make her feel as nauseous (although it may) which means she won't need to take as many anti-nausea drugs
- the tiredness may be greater
- she could experience watery eyes and dryness of her hands to the point where the skin starts to crack
- she may get pins and needles in her hands and feet
- her nails may become discoloured and uncomfortable
So long as it works, all this doesn't really matter that much.
Looking at the big picture, this probably means that Ali is starting off on another six cycle (18 week) treatment. As before, we expect that there will be tests around the end of November, just before the fourth cycle.
If all runs to plan, she's likely to have a treatment two days before Christmas which will mean that we will probably have a fairly quiet time at home that day.
Her first cycle will probably start next Tuesday, 30 September, subject to being able to get booked in. If not, then it will be Wednesday.