Sunday, August 24, 2008


Now what is he on about you ask? Well, read on to find out what this number and Alison have in common.

Perfection is usually difficult to define and subject to much argument as it is often a matter of opinion or quite simply, unachievable.

As some of you may be aware, at one stage when Ali was being examined by one of her doctors, the doctor commented that she was of 'perfect proportion'. Now this was something that I was already aware of (and said at the time it was one of the reasons I married her) but I didn't realise just how technical this could all get.

An article sent through by one of Ali's good friends describing The Golden Ratio sparked my curiosity and led me to some interesting reading. The Golden Ratio is used to describe the relationship between two measures. More details can be found through a quick internet search.

As well as puzzling me, it seems The Golden Ratio dates back nearly 2500 years and has played on the minds of mathematicians, philosophers and artists including:
  • Pythagorous
  • Plato
  • Euclid
  • Leonarda da Vinci
  • Salvador Dali
Just to demonstrate the good company that Alison keeps in possessing properties of The Golden Ratio, here some details on a few of her fellow companions: