Alison had her first session of chemo today and here she is with the canula in her arm. The whole deal went from 10:00am this morning through to 2:30pm. The people at the Zita Mary were very good and made the whole thing go as well as it can.
So far (five hours after it finished) it's only making her feel a bit drowsy, a bit off colour and giving her a headache starting at her sinus.
We have a bag full of drugs to help treat her if she does start to feel sick, as well as some more serious stuff that needs to be injected. (We have a mobile number to call a professional for this 24/7. Once again, they will not let me use the needles!)
Kids are back at school again so there'll be a bit more peace and quiet around the house, at least during the daytime. This should be good for Ali as it is likely that she'll just want to rest up and snooze for the next few days.
I'll post another update later in the week.
Ali, how can you have your tongue sticking out, a canula stuck in your arm and still look gorgeous and serene? There should be a law against it.
I hope that you are feeling okay and that you have a restful sleep. Good night xoxo
PS Andrew: Harrison did not look at all impressed with the photo that you posted and I am quite sure that he knows how to edit blogs... watch your back!
More importantly, how can you be reading a book at the same time...
Surely this is the opportunity you've been looking for to practise playing Star Wars on Harry's Nintendo DS!
(Just think of the 'cool(er) mum' points) :)
Cor blimey ducks, (yeah I've been Anglicised lol), I havn't seen you for about 20 years, and you don't look any different !!!.
What are those drugs they're giving you ?, and could you please send some over as I need a serious facelift, from about the knees up lol.
Also, are they effective on flat feet and galloping piles ?, or is it the other way round, I can never remember.
Ya looking good chook :-)))))))))
Alison, Andrew and Pikelets
Many have tried, but only the Pike family has managed to launch me into the 21st century.
You are listening to the last remaining dinosaur who does not own a computer.. So after lots of coercing, a friend (or used to be friend) has patiently directed me how to use a blogspot. Typing BLOGSTOP didn’t work, same letters, different sequence, computers are stupid to not know what I meant.
My technical knowledge being no more than ON and OFF suddenly blogstop, blogspot, faceup, face down or face book have become an impressive addition to my vocabulary. My friend’s computer has also learnt some new four letter words.
I don’t mind being left behind in technology but NOT with news from the Pike family.
Andrew your idea is brilliant!!!!!!!
I have now posted my first comment on a blog site without using a postage stamp and have booked into computer lessons. See how you’ve changed my life.
Andrew, have computers been around for long? Do you think they”re here to stay or am I just wasting my time taking lessons.
Love to you all
Chris Parrish
Hi guys
First post - just heard today (got back from hols in QLD - no need to be jealous - overcast every day and I got cut by coral and needed a tetanus shot and Riley was sick the whole time!!). Brilliant blog and great way to keep in touch - it shouldn't take things like this to reignite friendships but Alison, I hope you know that there are so many people who will be thinking of you and wanting to support you and your fam in any way they can.
On that point - I've heard of a few 'herbal remedies' for nausea...at times like these... Well OK maybe the hospital drugs are better.
Re the wig I have to also vote with Alison against the blonde - she is such a classy brunette!
I will leave it at that - got to cook the kids some dinner - they have been up since 5am and are definitely going to school tomorrow - they are driving me mental!
Lots of love
Rach, Dave, Cal and Riley
Hi Andrew, Alison and Family
Yes it is your long lost cousin Anne Towell, yes I am still living in Australia as I know Andrew you have been searching..hehehe..NOT!!
Anyway Alison I havent met you before but have seen numerous photos of you in the past after mum and dad have tripped down that way to visit Bron and Nev. I am surprised by the news and really have no idea as to what to honestly say other than to let you know that family (big extended family picture!!) is thinking of you and your family during this time. I hope you keep well rested and eat good food and that Andrew is a great chef and and experienced house cleaner ..ect..keep healthy!! Thinking of you both and the family as well. Anne
Hi Ali (with one 'l'), I hope you remember me, but if you don't that's OK cause I remember you. We worked together in the bodgies unit down in cold Canberra. I was hoping to see you in the sunny North Queensland town of Townsville a couple of weeks ago for the QOF roadshow ( I must say I was really disappointed when Wayne showed and not you). Anyway Alli (with 2 'l's') Campbell told be the news a couple of days ago and to say the least I was and still am in shock. The blog is great, and I will definately keep posted on your progress. Anyway cheers for now - Chris Brogden
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