Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fish Pie Update

OK, I have to admit, the fish pie was not too bad. Not too good but not too bad. Once you get over Alison mixing up coriander when she was meant to buy flat leaf parsley!

In the end it was just a little bland for my liking but then it's better to take a cautious approach and not try to put too much into a dish.

The kids hated it, Annelise tried some but Harrison would rather chew on some ants (which for some strange reason, he has eaten 2 or 3 ants over the weekend - says they taste a little spicy for him).

We all survived this meal.


Bintly said...

Tell Ali not to take it personally, I wasn't much of a fan of tuna mornay/fish pie when I was a youngin' either.

Must be a kid thing...

I hope you rewarded them with something tasty tonight... Ants perhaps?

Ali x

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I hope the oncologist visit went well today... And steroids tomorrow? Ali you're getting more and more like Elasto Girl from The Incredibles everyday! I still think of your beautiful family when I watch that movie.

Re: Fish Pie
I remember a little boy called Andrew who cried when his Aunty Lyn made him eat pumpkin... Fish pie is far more adventurous, good on the kids for trying it I say.

Love Jules xoxo

Anonymous said...

Well I hate parsley and love coriander so maybe I would have liked it - but then again I am not that keen on fish.....I did have a reputation for eating ants as a kid Mum and sister told me they tasted like mint so I tried a over it pretty quickly!

Sorry I missed Sunday lunch with the girls - had a previous engagement for a post season soccer get together.

See you soon!

Rach x

Anne said...

Hi Glad to hear you are feeling better now..hope all goes well tomorrow. hhehehehehe to the fish pie..I also have to say I think ewwwww to fish pie..I am on the kids side. Anne