Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Survey Results - Ali thinks the posts are too long.

Well, well. 55 of you were kind enough to vote in the survey.

Alison was very disappointed with 54 of you who disagreed with her and thought that the length of the posts was SPOT ON!

The other vote went to MOSTLY OK, BUT...

While Alison wonders whether you have all lost your sense of good judgement, I'm grateful for the show of faith and will keep on blogging! (Plus, it's not often that I am statistically proven to be correct - although I'm sure there is a loop-hole here somewhere and Ali will point out she was right all along.)

Just for the record, the question, answers and responses are below. Stay tuned for the next survey soon.

Alison thinks these posts are too long and you'll all get bored of reading them. Is she right? Do you want shorter posts? Have your say below now!
1. YES... I like to keep up with the news but these postings nearly put me to sleep (0)
2. KINDA LIKE, SORT OF BORING, YOU KNOW... Sometimes they waffle, a bit shorter would be better (0)
3. MOSTLY OK, BUT... Most of them are good but a couple did drag on (1)
4. SPOT ON... Keep it up! (54)


Bintly said...

Andrew are you now expecting some kind of tear in the time-space continuum because of being right??

Or is there fear that Ali will sneak up behind you and enact revenge? (After her altercation with the possums, I'd be careful...)


Anonymous said...

Tell Ali she can't vote on her own blog survey - of course she didn't make it too negative otherwise you would have got wind of what was going on!! Keep bloggin, I for one am being regularly entertained and on the serious side get to know how things are going for Ali with all the treatment etc without having to necessarily annoy you with my questions. You are doing a marvelous job!

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
Andrew I've got to tell you that Ali did try to influence my vote but I stood firm. I love this blogspot keep it going pleeease. Give Ali and the kids a hug for me. Love Jules xoxo