A quick update for you all on our day so far.

Alison is doing OK. Her head is still fuzzy and she is tired but not feeling too nauseous at all. She's had some breakfast, a cup of tea, some biscuits and fruit already so the signs are good. She's even talking about having some of the delicious home made meat pie that was left over from last night for her lunch.
Ali took the next step with hair this morning and let me have a go with the clippers set at 0. All up she does have a pretty even and round head.

Harrison is home yet again. He was looking pretty poor last night and went off to bed early without arguing, a sure sign he's not feeling well. This morning he had a bit of a fever and just didn't look himself so it was better to give him the whole weekend to recover.

Annelise is also home today. She's picked up a dose of conjunctivitis and had trouble opening her eyes. Again, something that you don't want to be sharing around.

Abbey had a bee sting in one of her front legs. She too is now recovering quietly.

Just in case you're wondering, I'm fine and looking after the lot.
Oh my gosh! You've found emoticons! Particularly enjoyed the pic of Abbey - trust the dog to want to get in on the action as well.
We all missed Harry and Annelise at school yesterday so hope they're on the mend really soon. The spotlight can only fit in one at a time - comfortably!!
Here's to a quiet weekend for all. Kind regards Andrea de C (Mrs D) xx
I hope you are getting a chance to watch non-stop Olympics while you are resting!! There has been some very emotional races ie: the poor men's 8 coming in last in James Tomkins final race of an illustrious career, and also some questionable races ie: the Jamaican 100m sprinter who was about 3m ahead of a fairly even field (screams back the same images and Ben Johnson in Seoul!) along with the Jamaican women taking out all 3 medals in the women's final also. There must be SOMETHING in the water in Jamaica???? xx simone
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