Monday, September 8, 2008

Chemo 3: Day 0

Here we are again - CHEMO DAY.

Seems to come around so quickly, must be even more so for Ali.

Everything went well today.

Alison's white blood cell count was fine and she received her treatment as planned. Much better than the previous time when we had to wait a few days. Unfortunately I didn't get to go in with her today as I have been home ill since last Friday and it's not a good idea to share germs with a room full of people with depleted immune systems.

Anyway, after the treatment Ali arrived home shortly before 4pm and had the house to herself for a while as I took the kids off so Annelise could do her gymnastics. She was snoozing on the lounge when we got home with bags of toxic Maccas for the kids (even they know it's not good for them, "...but it tastes so nice" they say, where did I fail?)

Ali managed to stay up for a very tasty penne dish but was head down again by 7pm. She's nauseous tonight (not due to the dinner) and her head feels a mess. Hopefully it will improve through the night.

We have now officially made the halfway mark of the treatment.

Typically, the negative effects are supposed to get stronger as the chemo wears on. Let's just hope this doesn't happen so much in this case.

So there you have it, all the latest news. I guess it's kind of a long way of simply saying she had her medication came home and slept. (Just think, if I'd put that sentence first, there would have been no need to write the rest.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Pikes
Thanks for the update. Glad that Ali's treatment went ahead as planned. The childrens culinary choice reminded me of Harrison's claim that if he had only one wish in life it would be that McDonalds food was healthy.
Andrew are you sure it was the drugs and not some crazy ingredient in the penne that caused my sisters nausea? Get well yourself - you're not allowed to be ill
Love and hugs
Colleen and the cousins

Anne said...

Glad to hear the chemo when to plan this time and I do pray for you Alison that the side effects will be to a minimal and that you recover quickly (white blood cells and all..thinking holistically here! :)). Andrew I also hope that you do get better from what ever you have (eat heaps of garlic!! hehe)....Sounds like you are travelling along like any normal family..feeding the kids the big "M" food..lmao..I cannot stand it myself..although their cafe stuff is good like the banana bread..ymmm!! but that is about it!!..I dont know what is wrong with kids taste buds,stomaches and brains these days as I think they think it is a well balanced meal...even though you are hungry again like after 30 minutes from eating it..???.. Well take care all of you.. Anne

Anonymous said...

good to hear everything went well today, Pikes. i have to comment on the mcD stuff though.....i'm a total sucker for the fries....i know, i know healthy isn't even on the same page, but nonetheless they hit the spot for me!! kaylene

Anonymous said...

Wow, half way already. Ali, I hope that you are feeling okay and that you are getting enough rest.
I also hope that you have shaken off the worst of the Canberran winter chill. I think everyone is over winter this year...bring on summer!
Love and hugs from sunny Newcastle,
Jules xox

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison, Just sending a hello from all the family up here on the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers... Hope you are getting the gorgeous warm weather and over the Canberra cold...thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and cuddles to you, Andrew, Harrison and Annelise...Love always Aunty Olwen, Uncle Darrell, Leanne, Jared and Tiarne XXXXXOOOOO