Saturday, October 25, 2008

High temperature and a trip to the hospital

Hi all - unfortunately Ali is spending tonight in the hospital. Nothing too serious at this stage, she's had a high temperature and her immune system is down so they are keeping her in for observation and isolation.

Since yesterday, Ali's had a bit of a temperature, been feeling unwell and had the chills. This alone wasn't unexpected as 'flu-like' symptoms are common with one of her medications. Today though, when her temperature hit 39 degrees, we thought it was worth checking in with the community nurses.

The community nurse recommended we take Ali into emergency and let the doctors work out what to do next.

We went to Calvary emergency ward and moved through the first part of the system fairly quickly. Ali had her bloods taken and came back with low neutrophils, meaning her immune system was down.

At this stage, the doctors are recommending that she stays in for a few days. When the kids and I went back in to drop off some clothes, toothbrush etc. we had to put on masks and a gown so that we didn't bring in any infection. The kids thought it was odd and that we looked like a couple of ducks (the masks were yellow).

Right now, Ali is still processing through the emergency ward as they work out where to put her in the main hospital.

In summary, certainly not how we planned to spend the night, but then, there's no reason to panic either. As we find out more, I'll update the blog.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Doc & Cap treatment no. 2: Day 0

Ali's blood was good, treatment went ahead today and all was as we expected. Ali had cold hands when she had to put on the ice gloves and came home and had an afternoon snooze.

She was well enough to eat some dinner but I'm not expecting her to stay up much past 8pm.

The kids have been a little tiring this afternoon, especially one little Miss whose behaviour was so poor, she missed out while her brother ate McDonalds for dinner.

Regardless, we'll carry on and see what tomorrow brings. Thanks for dropping by.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fish Pie Update

OK, I have to admit, the fish pie was not too bad. Not too good but not too bad. Once you get over Alison mixing up coriander when she was meant to buy flat leaf parsley!

In the end it was just a little bland for my liking but then it's better to take a cautious approach and not try to put too much into a dish.

The kids hated it, Annelise tried some but Harrison would rather chew on some ants (which for some strange reason, he has eaten 2 or 3 ants over the weekend - says they taste a little spicy for him).

We all survived this meal.